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Urology – Nephrectomy and Nephroureterectomy

The Enhanced Recovery team aim to see all patients coming in for planned nephrectomy and Nephroureterecomy in a one stop clinic (held on Tuesday mornings).  At this appointment you will be seen by the following people:

  • Enhanced Recovery Nurse
  • Pharmacist
  • Pre assessment Nurse
  • HCA

At the appointment the Enhanced Recovery Nurse will discuss ‘pre-optimisation’ (getting your body in the best condition and how to practically prepare for your surgery).  Research says the fitter someone is leading up to surgery can have a positive impact on your overall recovery; this is a big part of your surgical journey.  We will also talk to you about what you can do both pre and post-surgery to aid your own recovery.  The bigger part you play the better the result J

You will be provided with an Enhanced Recovery information pack at this appointment, which we kindly ask you to read and bring into hospital with you, the information provided will help to guide your recovery whilst in hospital.

Nutricia Pre-Op will be given to you at this appointment – we cannot give these drinks to patients with Type 1 and Type 2 (on medications) Diabetes, other advice will therefore be given at this appointment as to how you can hydrate yourself immediately prior to your surgery.