Delivery suite
In addition to our midwife led unit we also offer a consultant led delivery option, the delivery suite offers women who suffer from any health complications, or have risk-factors in their pregnancy the opportunity to be supported by a team of consultants and midwives.
The suite has eight en-suite delivery rooms and a birthing pool. Each delivery room contains a specialised multi-positional birthing bed and armchair and we have a large supply of birthing balls and bean bags to aid comfort throughout labour and promote an active birth.
We have our own dedicated Operating Theatre and Recovery, and anaesthetic doctors are on call 24 hours to provide epidurals for women who choose them for labour.
Mothers and birth partners also have access to a parents’ sitting room with a self service drinks machine. A father’s overnight stay room is available and is equipped with a double sofa bed and en suite facilities. An automated snack /cold drinks dispenser is situated in the lobby area adjacent to the lift.
Included in the Delivery Suite is a theatre complex, including an anaesthetic, recovery area and blood bank facility. The recovery area is also used as a ‘high dependency area’ for women requiring this type of care.