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Endometriosis is a chronic debilitating disease that affects 1 in 10 women. It can have serious physical implications for those women suffering from it. It can cause painful periods, pelvic pain, ‘dyspareunia’, (painful intercourse), bowel pain and urinary problems. In addition, endometriosis can also make it difficult to conceive.

This complex disease can affect every aspect of life including physical, mental, social, fertility and psychosexual health.

Given the complex nature of this disease, endometriosis requires a team approach, with experts working together in a seamless fashion to deliver good multidisciplinary care.

Luton and Dunstable Hospital is a fully accredited British Society of Gynaecology Endoscopy (BSGE) Endometriosis centre offering management of all stages of endometriosis.

Endometriosis Clinic

At our endometriosis clinic, we offer you supported and integrated care, provided by a ‘multidisciplinary’ team of Gynaecologists, a Nurse Specialist, Laparoscopic Bowel Surgeons, Urologists, Radiologist and the Pain Team.

You will be involved in all decisions about your care, and your treatment plans will always be based on what is right for you and your needs.

Key Staff

Consultant Gynaecologists

Mr. Stephen Burrell

Mr Louay Louis

Mr Montasser Mahran

Consultant Radiologist

Dr Rachna Shukla

Consultant Colo-rectal surgeon

Mr. Firas Younis

Consultant Pain Specialist

Dr Nofil Mulla

Consultant Urologist

Mr. Asher Alam

Endometriosis Nurse Specialist

Mildred Delantar

Gynaecology Matron

Jane Perrini

Endometriosis Secretary

Deborah Tomkins
01582 718244


Location of Endometriosis Clinic

Luton site: Gynaecology Outpatients- Zone J, Contact: 01582491166 extension 2274

How do I get an appointment?

Referrals are made by GP and Doctors through the normal referral pathway.

Endometriosis Clinic is held on the third Thursday of every month.

Useful links

Information Leaflets


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