Ultrasound department

Our Ultrasound department is divided into two areas

  • Main Ultrasound – located within the Radiology department next to the CT scanning department.
  • Obstetric Ultrasound – located within the Antenatal clinic which can be found in Cygnet Wing.
    We currently utilise a satellite room in Bridges clinic- this is located adjacent to the Britannia road car park.

An ultrasound examination uses sound waves (rather than x-radiation or a magnetic field) to create an image of your solid organs, muscles, tendons or of your developing baby.

The scan will take on average 20mins to perform and report (longer for some obstetric scans).

The scan is safe and usually painless (transvaginal ultrasound can sometimes be uncomfortable).

You will receive a letter please ensure to read this carefully, it will have specific instructions you will need to be aware of to prepare for your scan. If the date or time is not suitable or you wish to cancel the appointment please let us know by telephone as soon as possible.

Report to the ultrasound department reception, off the main corridor on the left, nearest entrance on Brittania Road. Your scan may be performed by a sonographer or a Radiologist (a doctor trained in radiology).

Ultrasound is used to look at internal organs by using sound waves to build up an image on a screen. It is the same technique used for looking at babies in the womb. The ultrasound scan will be painless and there are no known risks. No x-rays are involved in the examination. Some gel will be applied to your skin and small probe called a transducer will be moved over the skin surface.

If your GP requested the investigation you should contact the surgery for the results. If your request has been sent from a hospital doctor (outpatients) the results will be sent back to outpatients in time for your next visit. If your next outpatient appointment is in less than 1 week please contact us when you receive your appointment letter so we can discuss with you.

If you have any queries about your examination please contact the appointments office on 01234 792279 Monday to Friday 8.30 to 17.00