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Contact Us

Phone number

Outpatient Booking Department

Phone number

01582 561385


Obesity Clinic Clerk/Receptionist (Waiting Room)

Phone number

01582 718153


Obesity Service Coordinator

Phone number

Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm – 01582 497166 and 01582 497420


Obesity Administration Team

Phone number

Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm – 01582 497422


Emergency Clinician Helpline

(Only available to NHS patients who have had surgery with us)

Please note, if your patient has a medical emergency, please seek emergency care.

Phone number

Monday, 8.30am to 4pm or Friday, 9am to 4pm – 07974620557


Clinician-led Helpline

Non-urgent call-back (pre/post op queries)

Phone number

Monday, 8.30am to 4pm or Friday, 9am to 4pm – 01582 497422


Dr Zalin Secretary

Phone number

Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm- 01582 497163


Emergency Post Surgery Out of Hours:

Phone number

Please contact the on-call bariatric team via the Hospital Switchboard on 01582 491166


PALS (Patient Advice Liaison Service)

Phone number

01582 497990

We receive a high volume of calls and will we aim to respond to voicemails within 3-5 working days. For non-urgent queries, please kindly save these for your next clinician appointment. We have included a comprehensive FAQ section on our website that you may find useful, this can be found under the ‘Patient Hub’.

Clinic Appointments:

As our service is becoming increasingly popular, our clinics will be booked many weeks in advance. If for any reason you are unable to make your appointment you should contact the Outpatient Booking Department on 01582 561385 with as much notice as possible so they can reschedule your appointment and offer this slot to another patient.  This will help us with managing our waiting lists.

Failure to attend your appointment without adequate notice could result in you being discharged from the service.

If you have already had weight loss surgery, however, and you fail to attend an appointment, we will contact you and your GP to request that you rebook and attend for the full post-operative follow up programme in order to ensure your safety and continued wellbeing after surgery.

Our Tier 3 weight management service and Tier 4 surgical clinics are extremely busy and run alongside each other across the week from Monday to Friday.  Whilst we endeavour, where possible, to facilitate requests for particular days, please be aware this is not always possible as not all clinics run every morning or afternoon or every day and some consultants are only in our clinics one session per week.

There will be occasions where you might have more than one appointment on the same day – you will be notified of this in advance.  If this is the case and you are calling or contacting via the online service to reschedule, please ensure that all the appointments are rescheduled together.

We cannot guarantee that your appointment will not be rescheduled. In the event that we have staff sickness or shortages we may need to reschedule your appointment – we will try everything possible to avoid these scenarios.

Patient Feedback

We want to hear from you! We value feedback from our patients, this helps us to provide the best care and experience possible.

Using this link, follow these simple steps:

  • Select Hospital as ‘Luton Hospital’
  • Select Clinic as Bariatric/Obesity
  • If you wish to leave feedback for a specific clinician please enter their name in the tab ‘Clinician (if known)’
  • Select the date of your clinic appointment or experience
  • Fill out the questions below