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Because of You – Emergency Department

Children’s Mental Health Room

Thanks to our wonderful supporters Foxley Kingham, the children’s mental health room was furnished and decorated to be a calm room that allows our staff to support our young patients with SEN needs or anxieties to have a safe room to be treated in. The difference this room makes to those patients and to our staff is unmeasurable. The changes in our Trust to support all areas of medicine is shining through and this is one of those great examples.

A wall mural showing waterfalls and nature

Children’s Waiting Area

As we all know, taking a child the emergency room is scary enough, but what you also do not want is for your child to have nothing to do whilst waiting to be seen. The charity team have made huge differences across the children’s area and the waiting room is one of them, from adding in murals on the wall to play spot the ? to an interactive floor projector to keep your little one entertained.

A wall mural showing an underwater image with fish and corals

Children’s Treatment Areas

Not only did the Charity Team support with upgrading the waiting area, we have also added in a few new features in our treatment areas. You will see light up panels in some of the cubicles and an interactive whiteboard donated to use by Workflow in our high dependency treatment room. All these items support staff in being able to treat patients as quickly as possible by helping to keep the children and often the parents calm to facilitate treatment, this then speeds up the amount of time a child is in the emergency room and helps us reduce waiting times.

Cubicles with the sky panels on the ceiling

New CT Scanner for the Emergency Department (ED)

To support the emergency teams further, an individual donor kindly donated funds for us the purchase a CT Scanner in our emergency department. This piece of equipment allows the emergency staff to be able to scan patients quicker and without having to leave the ED. This reduces staff time from being off the unit and supports the patient by having emergency access at hand. This also reduces patient waiting times for normal scans as they are no longer having to wait for an emergency scan to happen. As well as supporting patient waiting times, this piece of equipment speeds up treatment time for the patient in the ED and helps the team to respond to strokes and DVT’s saving lives.

Staff and visitors at the opening of the CT scanner

Relatives Room and Chapel of Rest

Because of a generous donation from the Organ Transplant Team, and the generosity of our community, the funding for these rooms has been fulfilled. Willmott Dixon, one of our current onsite contractors, has donated their time to repaint the rooms before the new furniture goes in.

Relatives Room

This is a place to hear news about loved ones, a place to sit and remember and a place to mourn. We aim to make this room as comfortable and as least like a hospital room as possible to help all those who wish to just sit. With the donations made we will be able to replace the furniture, have somewhere to charge your phones and be able to make a drink.

Chapel of Rest

This is a place to view your loved ones and say goodbye. The serenity and calmness of this room will support the families of passed loved ones. With the donation from Willmott Dixon, the room will have a fresh paint with calming colours.

Thank you to everyone who helped us make these rooms possible.

Sky Panels showing hot air balloons

Sky Panels Appeal

If you have ever had a child need emergency care, you know how scary it can be. We worked with our medical and redevelopment teams to create a new emergency department, supporting the teams to make the space more friendly and less scary for children. We asked for donations to raise funds for interactive optical sky panels that could be fitted into our children’s emergency department.

The optical sky panels help to make the space feel less scary for children, reducing the clinical look which in turn can help reduce their feelings of anxiety and fear. They do this by creating an illusion of being outside and of brighter days, offering a different focus for children needing emergency care.

Members of staff at a cake sale standPaediatric Emergency Department hold bake sale

The team from the Children’s Emergency Department have been busy fundraising for their Sky Panel Appeal. This was the first cake sale of the year and went down a storm. They raised £1,184.85. The two winners of best decorated cakes were chosen by Victoria Parsons and were given to Sharon, one of our beloved volunteers, for the Teddy Bear Cake and Little Sophie’s Cupcakes for the wonderful cupcakes. To support this wonderful appeal follow the link to our JustGiving page.

Central Monitoring System in the Emergency Department is well received

With thanks to the Amateurs Trust, a central monitoring system was installed in the majors section of the new Emergency Department. This system monitors all patients in the major’s area and can alert staff very quickly to changes which need to be actioned quickly. This has been a major step forward in improving patient care.

Members of staff with Portable Ultrasound ScannersPOCUS’s arrive in the Emergency Department

With thanks to the League of Friends. We have had two brand new state of the art Portable Ultrasound Scanners which allow the unit to diagnose DVT’s and Thrombolysis quicker. This allows for treatment to happen quicker, resulting in better outcomes and patients going home quicker.