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Colin’s assistance

A member of the public was helped by our volunteer Colin after visiting the eye clinic:

“When I left the hospital yesterday and went to the Brittania Road bus stop a lady started chatting to me. She had been to Moorfields Clinic for an eye injection and had come out feeling a bit worse for wear – I am very familiar with the feeling as I have the same treatment there and you do feel a bit battered afterwards! She told me she is partially sighted.

“She then went on to sing the praises of a kind man who had helped her. He had helped her to the bus stop and then come back with a cup of water for her. I could tell by the way she talked that his kindness had really made an impression on her.

“We were waiting sometime for the bus and my lady was delighted when her helper, a volunteer, turned up to see how she was doing. I have seen him as he stands at Brittania Road entrance on Tuesday afternoons and he told me he works on a ward in the mornings. He really made a difference to her hospital experience and she was very grateful.”