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Meet the team

Sarah Amexheta, Head of Charity

Sarah Amexheta, Head of Charity

I am very proud to head up an incredible Charity. Every day we are lucky enough to meet people that wish to connect with us, it is a privilege to get to know our supporters and their reasons for giving. In addition to raising funds to support items above and beyond, we also run the volunteering program across the hospital. Whether you give time or money to support us, we are incredibly grateful, thank you!

Charmaine Norrish, Deputy Fundraising Manager

Charmaine Norrish, Fundraising Manager

As the Fundraising Manager I am privileged to be a part of the Charity Team in an amazing community in and around Bedfordshire. With my retail and fundraising background, I bring a whole new level of experience and knowledge. Part of my role is supporting fundraising across our community and have worked with some wonderful businesses, community groups and individuals in the last few years. I always look forward to meeting our supporters and hearing their reasons for giving. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Deborah Allman, Voluntary Services Manager

Deborah Allman, Community Engagement and Voluntary Services Manager

In my role, I am privileged to work with a fantastic team of volunteers at both hospital sites – people from all sectors of our diverse local community who give their time to support patients, visitors and staff at the hospital. From offering a friendly welcome and wayfinding to helping ward meal service and supporting families when a loved one is nearing the end of their life, our volunteers are ready to help. It’s amazing what a difference a smile and a chat can make to everyone’s day in the hospital environment and the best reward is when volunteers tell me it’s ‘the best thing they’ve ever done’. Our volunteers are a joy to work with.

Donna Pratt, Charity Hub Manager at L&D Hospital

Donna Pratt, Charity Hub Manager at the L&D Hospital

The Charity have a shop based in the Maternity Unit at the L&D which I have the wonderful job of managing. We also run a trolley service, which visits the wards and departments around the L&D hospital. This is proving to be a huge benefit to the staff and patients around the hospital.

The shop is a great place to work and the ideal place to promote the Charity and all the amazing things we do. I feel very proud and privileged to work for such an amazing charity, and with an incredible team, that makes a difference every day.

A huge part of my role in managing the shop is working with an amazing group of volunteers who give up their time to support us. We are always on the lookout for new volunteers to join our fantastic team. If you are over the age of 18 and would like to volunteer in either our shop or for the trolley service please get in touch by emailing or calling 07800 711 370.

Mhairi Emery, Volunteer Co-ordinator

Mhairi Emery, Work Experience Manager & Volunteer Specialist

I lead on our work experience and student volunteering programmes across the trust. I am passionate in supporting our future workforce, enabling them to gain an insight into the hospital setting across both clinical and non-clinical areas. Our mealtime assistant volunteers provide invaluable support to our patients and I am proud to be part of their journey in making a difference.

Rachel Coakley, Grants and Trusts Manager

Rachel Coakley, Grants and Trusts Manager

I am the Grants and Trusts Manager within the Fundraising team and I am delighted to work with our brilliant supporters to raise vital funds for our hospitals and staff. I work with Charitable Trusts and Foundations who support a wide range of projects and capital appeals within the hospital and enable us to provide equipment and services that go over and above NHS provision. Please do get in touch with me if you are a grant giving organisation looking to support our work, I would be delighted to hear from you.

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Sabine Hazell, Schools Partnership Coordinator

As the Schools Partnership Coordinator for the Charity Team I am very lucky to meet people from lots of fantastic nurseries, schools, colleges and universities. I’m amazed by the incredible fundraising support we receive every year! I also deliver NHS Careers sessions and attend Careers Fairs. If you would like to book a visit for me to come and talk to your students about how you get involved and how we can work together to support the hospital Charity please get in touch.

Stephen Butcher - Charity Team Administrator

Stephen Butcher, Charity Team Administrator

For me, volunteering has led to some very rewarding work and employment at the hospital. I have helped the team on the Critical Care Unit at Bedford Hospital as well as the Fundraising and Donations Team during the COVID-19 pandemic, gaining knowledge and experience in the hospital and seeing the dedication and commitment of staff at its very best. My role now centres around administration activities supporting both charity and voluntary services. My drive and passion, working within a truly dynamic focused team, is to administer the day-to-day tasks that bring efficiency, allowing others to focus on the delivery of welfare improvements to patients, staff, and visitors alike. Being part of such a caring team is a real privilege and a true blessing.

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Angie Williams, Charity Hub Assistant

I began volunteering in the Charity Hub Shop, located within the Maternity Unit at the L&D, in November 2020. I have loved every moment and realised I had wasted 2 years of my retirement not really doing much! In March 2021, the permanent part time position of Charity Hub Assistant was advertised and I did not hesitate in applying. I was fortunate to be successful and I am now working as a permanent part of the Charity Team. It has been quite a transition from working in the shop to becoming an assistant supporting the shop and volunteers. The work is varied and involves sandwich and drinks ordering, keeping the Costa machine clean and topped up, as well as keeping check on stock supplies for re-ordering. I still help out in the shop from time to time but the varied work keeps me busy and I’m still loving it. Do not let obstacles get in the way from doing what your heart tells you to do. There are opportunities out there and they are everywhere.

Annie Tucker - Blossom Co-ordinator

Annie Tucker, Volunteer project Co-ordinator

I am honoured to hold this post with Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Charity. The fulfilment of simply being a companion when someone is losing a loved one is ever so meaningful. Our Blossom Volunteers do this on a daily basis and I am truly in awe of them. Coming to do my job is more of an honour than a job and I am so grateful that this wonderful team of staff and volunteers within the Charity have given me this opportunity. If you would like to learn more about the Blossom Service please visit the Volunteering section of this website.

Kayleigh Flanagan, Supporter Care and Events Officer

I’m Kayleigh, the Supporter Care & Events Officer. This is my first permanent role since finishing university in 2023 and I’m really excited to be part of the team. I love how diverse the role is, no two days are the same and I get to meet so many amazing people. It’s also a great cause, which makes the job feel really purposeful. My main role is to support and engage with our fundraisers, so if you are interested in fundraising and making a difference for your local hospital please get in touch!

Jien Huey Yew, Grants and Trusts Officer

I have recently started as the Grants and Trusts Officer and am truly excited to be a part of the amazing Fundraising team. I aid in working with Charitable Trusts and Foundations to secure funding for a variety of projects within the hospital. This allows us to provide services and have access to equipment that go beyond the NHS provision. I am always available to discuss any appeals and any projects that require funding.