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Adrian’s story

“Thanks to the care and professionalism of the L&D Emergency Department I am still here after suffering a major heart attack in 2023. Being partly retired I was keen to take up a volunteering role and so, given my ‘close shave’ last year, I decided that a role in ED would be ideal. Having previously worked in the different and dangerous world of complex machinery (power generation and oil exploration), here I am helping people in their time of need. This was a totally new experience for me.

“In my time at the L&D I have discovered a new version of myself: I have found the time for compassion and understanding, which weren’t always present in the brutal world I once knew. By engaging with patients and staff I have learnt so much about myself and have been able to connect with humanity in the best of ways. I can only describe my experience as a volunteer as the best thing I have ever done and the best decision I have ever made.

“To help to make a patient feel at ease during a difficult time through a few words and a cup of tea is incredibly rewarding and every time I walk from my car towards the hospital I feel a sense of honour and privilege to work in such a great place and with such great people. It is here that broken bodies and broken spirits are mended through the actions, skill and care of the entire team of medical and support staff, and the volunteers who work here.

“Readers of this may never have considered volunteering, but all I can say is that in helping others, rather than ourselves, we find the best purpose in life. Through finding a sense of purpose we find happiness and we find hope. If you want to change your life, please think about volunteering for your local hospital, it could change everything.”