Light Up A Life

Between October and 22nd December 2023, we invite our community to join us in remembering someone special, or giving a unique gift at Christmas, by dedicating a light to a loved one.

The Light up a Life raises funds every year to support our Special Care Baby Units and our Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Funds are used to support families staying with their babies in our rooming in rooms or in our accommodation. The charity raises funds each year to provide free accommodation and support to our parents.

We officially switch on the lights at a ceremony every year and they stay lit until the 12th Night in January.

The Bedford Switch on will be held on 29th November 2023 starting at 5:00pm with the lights switch on at 6pm in Sir Tom Moore’s Garden in the main car park. There will be festive music, refreshments and a reading. The lists are displayed outside the Swannery.

The Luton & Dunstable switch on will be held on 30th November starting at 5:00pm with the lights switch on at 5:45pm in St. Mary’s car park. There will be festive music, refreshments and a reading. The lists are displayed in St. Mary’s entrance, Nova House entrance, Maternity and surgical block.

The lists are updated weekly and are then posted on our social media and our website pages.

If you would like to take part in Light Up A Life in 2023, please get in touch and we can add you to our mailing list.

Email or call 01234 792 213 or 01582 718 289.

In 2022, raised a wonderful £3,467.51 (including gift aid). Thank you for your support.