
After numerous discussions and meetings with the Trust’s Design Team and Engineers, it is with much regret and sadness that we are unable to progress with the Helipad project on the Luton and Dunstable University Hospital site.

The plan was to link the ward block at the back of the Emergency Department vertically, via a dedicated lift shaft, to the helipad. Following the receipt of Government funding received in 2020/21, the Trust has been working on upgrading and refurbishing the emergency department. As a consequence of this piece of work, more invasive testing of the structural capacity of the ward block has been possible. This has confirmed that this location can no longer be relied upon without strengthening work requiring a full decant of the existing wards, which is not a practical option. Therefore, the helipad project cannot be progressed at the current time as it is uncertain that the block could meet requirements of the helipad.

A report commissioned by the Trust in 2021 confirmed the proposed site as the only current possible location for a helipad, due to existing services and the surrounding infrastructure. While a helipad on the L&D site remains a strategic objective, it is not a feasible option at this present time and would not be appropriate to continue with this fundraising appeal whilst no viable option is currently available.

The Helipad Appeal has been at the heart of the Charity since 2016 and captured the support and interest of so many. Therefore it is incredibly disappointing news for us to share and we know this will also be really disappointing for many of you to hear.

As an organisation, we remain committed in delivering our vision to become leaders in local healthcare and we are hopeful that you will continue to support us in achieving this vision. Leaving your money or pledge with us would allow us to redeploy your support into different areas of significant health value.

The L&D is undergoing major redevelopment work to build a new Acute Services Block and Ward Block. To support this in advance of its completion in 2024, we have a number of exciting fundraising projects underway. You can find more details on these projects here (link through).

We appreciate that you may have some questions so have complied some FAQs which we hope are useful. However if you still have further queries please do contact Fundraising@bedsft.nhs.uk where a member of the team would be happy to discuss