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Staff Workshops

We have organised a number of creative opportunities for staff:

Jubilee Project – Human Touch

Staff were invited to attend free creative workshops which were led by local artists.  At the drop-in workshops staff created small pieces to take away with them, but we also held longer workshops where staff were able to create larger artworks which are now on display in both hospitals as part of the Jubilee Project installation.


Staff Engagement Event

At the last staff engagement event in December 2022, artist Anne-Marie Abbate invited staff to decorate their own keyrings or tree decorations which they were able to take away.  This proved to be a hugely popular part of this event whose central theme was staff wellbeing.  We plan to continue with a similar format at future staff engagement events.

Staff members making key rings

Team Away Days

We have run a few of pilot projects as part of team Away Days, where artists have led creative workshops as part of the event.  Staff have greatly valued these as a way of distracting themselves from their busy, and often stressful, working environments.  They have also enjoyed the opportunity to connect with one another that these sessions provide.  The output of some of these workshops has been larger collaborative artworks which are now on display in those departments.

Imaging staff with their competed artwork from the workshop

Reaching out to Our Staff

We are looking at other ways in which we can bring creative opportunities to our staff, where they work.  Often the staff who might benefit most from a brief creative moment are those who find it hardest to leave their departments due to the pressure of work.  We therefore hope to be able to bring mini-workshops directly to them in the future.