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Zone C Patient Counselling Room

Imagine receiving some of the worst news of your life. You may not take in the room around you and you may not notice how wonderful the staff were. The outpatient team know this, but wanted to have a room that is not clinical and is comfortable, with the right amenities to allow them to break this news in a calm and peaceful environment.

The counselling room is not only used for receiving news about cancer diagnosis, but to discuss treatment and to have a private moment away from the rest of the clinic. The room gives patients privacy and dignity, allows for confidentiality and gives much needed space to support anxious patients and their family whilst waiting on results from biopsies.

We did it!

The room has now been refurbished and is already in use. We have had some wonderful feedback from staff who are talking to patients in the room saying it is a more comfortable setting to have those discussions in.

We cannot thank our supporters enough for making this room happen.