FT Membership
Welcome to our FT Members
I, and my colleagues are committed to ensuring that our FT Members are encouraged and enabled to have a full say in how the hospital and its services develop in the future.
As members, you can choose at what level you would wish to get involved. If you are purely interested in receiving updates on developments, that’s fine. If you want to attend events, meetings and lectures, you will be made very welcome. If you want to get fully involved by standing for election as a Governor, you can do that too.
Equally, if you would like to get involved by becoming a hospital volunteer or by fundraising for special appeals, then we will be glad to show you how.
However, you get involved, we want you to know that it is your hospital and that you can be part of how it evolves to meet the changing needs of the community.
This section is your area, so please look around to see what benefits and opportunities are available to you as an FT Member. If you are not yet a member, please think about joining via the on-line application.
Richard Sumray
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
(Incorporating Bedford Hospital and Luton & Dunstable University Hospital)
What is an FT?
An NHS Foundation Trust is an NHS trust that is part of the National Health Service in England and has gained a degree of independence from the Department of Health. The L&D became a Foundation Trust in 2006 – the first hospital in Herts, Beds and Bucks to achieve this status.
Your News
As a Foundation Trust hospital, keeping you informed and involving you in special FT events is important. We hold regular meetings for Governors and a range of special lectures and meetings to which members are invited. We also want to keep you in touch with the latest news and developments at the Trust, so this is your dedicated news and events area. Read more about your news here.
Becoming a member puts you in touch with local healthcare and in control of its future.
Contact Us – Please see our contact details below:
FT Membership Department
Nova House – 2nd Floor
Luton and Dunstable University Hospital
Lewsey Road
Email: FTMembership@bedsft.nhs.uk