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Please be aware, the information on this page relates to GPs referring to Luton & Dunstable University Hospital only.

Information for referring GP’s

How to Refer to us
Referrals should be sent via e-RS (NHS e-referral service). All of our specialities are published with the exception of Haematology and Pain Management. Contact the Trust if you are trying to refer and unable to find the correct service.
The preferred mechanism of receipt of referral is via e-RS. Please note if you need to refer to a particular clinician then you must use the named clinician function on e-RS. Please only use this if absolutely necessary, as it excludes earlier slots with other clinicians of the same specialty, thus delaying patients’ treatment.

Please use the referral proforma that has recently been set in your system rather than you own. This proforma has been tested with Consultants and the Trust and provided consistency with the transfer of clinical information. The reason for referral can be typed directly into e-RS rather than typing a separate letter and attaching.

Ensure you have attached the referral letter within the system as per time frame below:-

2WW – 24 hours                Urgent – 3 days                Routine – 5 days

Please clearly mark the name of the clinical department to increase speed of processing.

List of L&D Hospital Services Available on E-RS
Our latest list of all L&D services available for booking on the e-RS. This list will be regularly updated so please visit this page to keep up to date with all our services on the e-RS.
Please note from October 2018 100% of hospital referrals must be made via e-RS as part of new NHS rules.
For any queries please email our Outpatients Booking Dept Manager here.

Who to refer to
Where possible GP’s should address all referrals to “Dear Doctor” to maximise opportunities to pool referrals and minimise patient waits. However, it is of course still possible to refer to named consultants, in accordance with specialist interests or for patient preferences.

Required Information
The following minimum information should be included in your referral letter:

  • Speciality being referred into
  • Relevant medical details (i.e. current & past medical problems, medication, biochemical results)
  • Reason for referral
  • Referral date
  • Patient’s first name and surname
  • NHS number
  • L&D hospital number (or whether the patient has attended L&D before)
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Full Address, including postcode of the patient
  • Telephone numbers for the patient including preferred number to use
  • Notification of whether the patient needs an interpreter/ advocate/ other special assistance
  • Name and address of referring GP and practice name including phone and fax numbers
  • Name and address of registered GP practice including phone and fax numbers

Please note, we may return incomplete referrals or we may not formally accept them until we have received all the necessary information.

Suspected Cancer/Two Week Wait Referrals
The Luton and Dunstable Hospital have all of their services published on the E-referral service. This is the preferred method for receipt of 2WW referrals. There is a fax still in operation for receipt of referrals if you are experiencing any difficulties with referring via e-RS.

2WW- 01582 497910

Useful Numbers
Switchboard 01582 491166 (0 for Operator)
Out-patients Booking Dept 01582 561385
Out-patients Operations Manager, Alison Rance 
PALS & PPI 01582 497990
Complaints 01582 497002
Advice and Guidance is offered by all specialties via e-RS

Bedfordshire Hospitals Elective Access Policy