Hospital: Bedford Hospital
Clostridioides Difficile GDH Positive Patient Information
What does GDH positive mean? GDH positive is the abbreviation for ‘Glutamate Dehydrogenase antigen’. This antigen is a substance which can be found in liquid stool (diarrhoea). This substance is […]
Clostridiodes Difficile (C.Diff) Patient Information
What is Clostridiodes Difficile Associated Disease? Clostridioides difficile (sometimes referred to as C. diff) is a type of bacterium that is present in the gut of up to 3% of […]
Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) Patient Information
I am colonised/have an infection- what does this mean? Enterobacteriaceae are bacteria that usually live harmlessly in the guts of humans. This is called ‘colonisation’ (a person is a carrier). […]
Transnasal Endoscopy Advice on Discharge
You have had a Transnasal Endoscopy today, with an Endoscope passed through your nose or mouth. Please commence drinking water 30 minutes after having the numbing spray. If your swallowing […]
Sigmoidoscopy APC Advice on Discharge
You have undergone a Colonoscopy today with Argon Plasma Coagulation used primarily to control/prevent bleeding. You have had sedation today: it is essential that a responsible adult accompanies you home […]
Rubber Band Ligation of Haemorrhoids Advice on Discharge
You have had your haemorrhoid(s) treated with rubber band ligation. This is an effective form of treatment which often gives good long-term results. The haemorrhoid is drawn into an applicator […]
Gastroscopy with Throat Spray Advice on Discharge
You have had throat spray which is a local anaesthetic spray to numb your throat. Please commence drinking water 30 minutes after having the throat spray. If your swallowing seems […]
Gastroscopy with Sedation Advice on Discharge
You have had sedation today; it is essential that someone accompanies you home and stays with you for the next 12 hours. You should not drive a car, operate machinery, […]
Gastroscopy Under General Anaesthetic Advice on Discharge
You have had a general anaesthetic today: it is essential that a responsible adult accompanies you home and stays with you for the next 24 hours. You should not drive […]
Gastroscopy and Insertion of Oesophageal Stent Advice on Discharge
You have had sedation today: it is essential that a responsible adult accompanies you home and stays with you for the next 24 hours. However, in all likelihood you will […]