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Locally Employed Doctors (LEDs)

Bedford and Luton and Dunstable hospitals are big supporter of LE doctors. This group comprises of doctors employed by the trust and their contracts and employment rights sits with the trust policy.

LEDs include Senior and Junior clinical fellows, LAS (Locum appointed for service) doctors and MTI (Medical training Initiative) doctors.

We have over 150 LEDs who work with us in different medical streams including Accident and Emergency, Acute medicine, Anaesthetics, Surgery, Orthopaedics and Paediatrics just to name a few.

We have comprehensive induction programme which includes corporate induction, induction by specialty leads and Induction by locally employed tutor. LE doctors are supported by LED administrator who can provide them information and guide through settling in process. We are developing video inductions so that LE doctors can use the links to update themselves with hospital policies at their own convenience. We value our locally employed doctors and would like to provide with them with same training opportunities as are provided to trainees employed by Health Education England.

We believe that mentoring and coaching can assist locally employed doctors in achieving their career goals. We are training mentors from LEDs who are currently working with us and can be mentors or buddies to the newly appointed LEDs in helping them settle in the new posts. All our LEDs will be provided with Mentor or Educational supervisor who can support them in understanding cultures and values of our trust and NHS as a whole.

In addition to this, we have LED Representatives based on site to help and guide you should you need them.

Key People

LED Representatives:-

Key Links

HEEoE – Locally Employed Doctors | East of England (

Horus –


We are able to provide all LEDs with access to Horus ePortfolio. The ePortfolio is an electronic tool for doctors to store and record a collection of evidence that demonstrates their learning achievements and abilities. An ePortfolio can help you to:

  • Keep documents together to evidence your progress and learning
  • Reflect on your learning
  • Think about your personal development plan (PDP), encouraging you to think about what you need to do next to help you progress in your career
  • Prepare for an interview
  • Develop your CV
  • Please let us know if you would like this facility and arrangements will be made for you.

If you experience any trouble using the site please read through their support page –