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Undergraduate Medical Education

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital

Each academic year Luton and Dunstable University Hospital (L&D) welcomes Year 5 and Year 6 MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine; Bachelor of Surgery) students from the University College Hospital (UCL) Medical School.  Throughout the year, and by arrangement with the Medical School, we provide a programme of clinical placements to support the students’ medical education.

Medical students also benefit from the support and guidance of our Clinical Teaching Fellows, who contribute to their experience by assisting in the delivery and ongoing development of our undergraduate programme; including teaching and mentoring, clinical skills and simulation sessions and OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations) practice.  The L&D is also an Examination Centre for UCL students’ final CPSA (Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment) which is held in March each year.

Year 6 (Final Year) Student Placements

From the last week in August through to the following February, we host six groups of final year medical students for their 16-week placement programme.  During each placement the students rotate through different specialties; spending four weeks in each of the following departments: Medical, Surgery, Emergency Medicine and Long-Term Conditions.  Each student is allocated an Educational Supervisor at the start of their placement who will provide support, guidance and supervision during the student’s time with us.  In the upcoming 2023-24 academic year we are looking forward to welcoming ninety new students onto our programme.

Year 5 Student Placements

From September through to June, Year 5 medical students attend clinical placements at the L&D to help them achieve their educational objectives in two module areas: Child Health and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

In each academic year we welcome twelve cohorts of medical students to our Women’s Health Unit.  The hospital attachments are for three weeks and during each placement UCL students rotate through different areas with learning opportunities in gynaecology and delivery suite theatres, on gynaecology, antenatal and postnatal wards, and in specialist clinics such as early pregnancy and foetal medicine.  Students gain experience in history taking and case-based discussions, developing their clinical skills, performing examinations and supporting women during labour in the delivery suite.  They also receive guidance and supervision from the O&G Lead Consultant and their timetabled activities include both ward-based learning and tutorials.

Child Health

Following a week’s placement at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Year 5 medical students join our General Paediatric and Neonatal Unit for a 5-week clinical placement under the guidance of our Joint Paediatric Specialty Leads.  We host six cohorts over the year and during their time with us students gain experience in a variety of paediatric conditions, history taking, examination and case presentation. They have the opportunity to interact with children and parents and to observe clinical skills.  The students rotate to different areas within paediatrics and are provided with a range of learning opportunities on the wards, in PAU, in the Children’s Outpatient Department and within the Neonatal Unit.  They also observe CAMHS and community placement cases and get the opportunity to present cases in weekly paediatric Grand Rounds.  Their timetables during placement include both bedside and small group teaching sessions.