Printed at: 03:36:39 / 03-07-2024

Tier 4 Referral

Tier 4 service will triage referral and seek prior funding approval, where necessary,  provided Tier 3 has been completed in accordance with commissioning guidelines.

  • Step 6: Once prior funding approval is received, where applicable, or the patient meets criteria, they will be offered initial assessment by the Bariatric Multi Disciplinary Team.

    We will keep the GP informed of the outcome of all appointment throughout the bariatric assessment.

  • Step 7: End of Tier 4 assessment
    Once the patient has completed the assessment process and once any/all investigations and so forth are received, if the patient is deemed physically and mentally suitable to progress to bariatric surgery, a referral will be made to one of the bariatric Surgeons.
  • Step 8: Post Op Monitoring
    Up to 2 years post op in Tier 4 as follows:
    6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 months unless additional is clinically indicated.

    3+ years post op in local Tier 3 service or via Community Dietitian/GP practice. Annually unless otherwise indicated.

If you have any queries regarding any of the referral processes, please contact the Service Co-ordinator on 01582 497166 or consult your CCG regarding their individual requirements.

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