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Home / Obesity Service / What we offer

What we offer

The Luton and Dunstable University Hospital has a specialist centre for Obesity Treatment and Research. Our multidisciplinary team provide weight management (medical) and bariatric (surgical) programmes to patients throughout the East of England and is one of the most comprehensive bariatric services in the country.

The medical programme was established in 1992 as a regional weight loss service for patients. The bariatric surgical programme began in 2001 and offers people a range of surgical procedures.

As well as our weight loss programmes our team is one of the country’s leaders in innovative research and treatment. Our research team provide surgical data to the national bariatric database and we are regularly involved in pioneering medical trials that contribute to the continuous improvement of safety, care and treatment for bariatric patients.

At the Luton and Dunstable Hospital we understand that each person is different and that lifestyle and personal circumstances can influence our ability to make changes. With this in mind we consider each person’s individual needs and together, set realistic and achievable goals.

As with any treatment your success rate will depend on how motivated you are to making a difference and committed you are to a lifestyle change. It is our hope that every patient is successful in their weight loss journey and we will support you through every step of the way.

If you have tried other ways to lose weight but have not been successful, a referral to our weight loss experts may be the solution for you.

Our specialist programme is designed not only to help people lose significant weight but to give them the life skills and knowledge to keep the weight off. Whilst this website can provide some insight into our weight management programme it cannot replace the personal advice you will get from our specialists. If you think that you may be eligible then ask to be referred to our specialists and make a change today!