Printed at: 01:17:47 / 03-07-2024

After Care

When you complete either the Tier 3 or Tier 4 programme, our specialist team will support you in making a positive and lifelong change. All post operative patients will be required to have (at least) a yearly follow up appointment and blood test after the first year of surgery. We will continue to see our post operative patients, in most cases for up to two years after surgery. After this period you will be referred back to your local Tier 3 provider for ongoing weight management and monitoring.

If you develop any problems after your two year review period your GP should liaise with us for continuation of your care.

If it is appropriate you can continue your journey with the support of your local providers. As with any treatment your success rate will depend on how motivated you are to making a difference and how committed you are to changing your life.

There are 2 important things that you should do to maintain your weight loss – Healthy Eating & Exercise

Healthy Eating
Healthy eating means having a balanced diet. The reason we call it ‘healthy eating’ is because it is important for keeping you well and improving your health. There are no foods that should be avoided and no foods that you absolutely must eat. Our team will give you the knowledge and understanding you need to eat a balanced diet. For people that have had surgery your diet and the amount of food that you can eat will change and your dietitian will go through this with you in more detail.


Combined with healthy eating, an active life can help you continue to reach your weight goal. You could look at an activity you are already doing and build on this. Any increase to your general activity levels is a step in the right direction. You should aim to achieve 150 minutes of moderate activities a week. If you find it difficult to fit this around the other demands of your life this can be broken down into chunks. Click here and watch the video for helpful tips and ideas on how you can get started:

Moderate intensity physical activity is any activity that increases your heart and breathing rate and may make you sweat but you are still able to hold a normal conversation. Choose activities that you enjoy, as you are more likely to continue doing them.

Examples of moderate intensity physical activity include:

  • walking
  • daily chores
  • jogging
  • swimming
  • tennis

Aim to start gradually with short periods of exercise at a time then build on it. If you are new to exercise or have pre-existing medical conditions it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. Your doctor, physiotherapist or exercise physiologist will be able to provide an exercise plan suited to your circumstances.