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Home / Obesity Service / What we offer / Surgical Weight Loss Clinic (Tier 4)

Surgical Weight Loss Clinic (Tier 4)

To be eligible for Tier 4 (surgery pathway) you should have completed a Tier 3 programme (medical pathway), this can be done through our own Tier 3 programme here at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital or through a provider in your local area, depending on Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) referral criteria. Bariatric surgery is a procedure performed on the stomach and/ or intestines. The aim of the operation is to help patients lose weight, keep the weight off long term and improve other health conditions such as diabetes.

All of our surgical treatments are performed laparascopically (keyhole). Performing the operation in this way removes the need for a large incision and means less pain, less scarring, and a much quicker recovery time.

At your first tier 4 appointment, you will meet a Specialist Bariatric Nurse and a Doctor to discuss the treatment options available to you. You will then be assessed by a specialist obesity MDT (Multidisciplinary) team. The MDT team includes Dietitians, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Psychologists, Specialist Anaesthetists and Bariatric Surgeons. Together you will decide the next steps in your treatment plan based on your individual needs and clinical circumstances. At present we offer the following procedures:

  • Roux – En- y / Gastric Bypass
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Gastric Band
  • Duodenal Switch
  • Revisional Surgery