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Blood tests at Arndale House

Adult GP phlebotomy and anticoagulation services are located in the Community Hub on the first floor of Arndale House, in the Luton Mall, LU1 2LJ.

There are five ways to book a blood test:

  1. Book an appointment online – booking service available 24/7
    Patients need to register online first at
  2. Book an appointment via the automated phone booking line – booking service available 24/7
    01582 343309
  3. Book an appointment by phone and speak to a receptionist
    Patients can call Monday to Friday between 13.00pm – 16.15pm on 01582 718968
  4. Book an appointment at Arndale House reception desk
    Patients can visit the reception desk Monday to Friday between 13.00pm – 16.15pm

Anticoagulation patients only
Anticoagulation clinic patients are not required to book as these are booked by the clinic
Monday: No clinic
Tuesday to Friday: 8.30am – 10am

For more details about which specialised blood tests can be provided at Arndale House please refer to the Patient Service Information leaflet that will be sent to your surgery directly.

Fasting blood tests
Please remind patients that fasting for blood tests is only
required for:

  1. Fasting cholesterol and Triglycerides (12 hours fasting)
  2. Fast Blood Sugar (12 hours fasting)