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Blood Transfusion

Blood transfusion and the alternatives

Blood Transfusion app images showing patient information on blood transfusion, anaemia, iron in your diet, and sickle cell disease informationA blood transfusion is a relatively common procedure that can save and improve lives. The clinical team will be able to explain to you the reason for the suggested transfusion, benefits, risks, and any suitable alternatives.

Patient information

Patient information leaflets are available to read online or download on the NHSBT website. Topics covered include:

  • Anaemia
  • Cell salvage
  • Iron in your diet
  • Receiving a blood transfusion
  • Unexpected blood transfusion
  • Information for patients needing irradiated blood
  • Information for patients with sickle cell disease who may need a blood transfusion
  • Receiving anti-D Immunoglobulin in Pregnancy
  • Leaflets for children

You can also access the NHSBT website by scanning the QR code:

QR code to NHSBT patient information leaflets relating to blood transfusion

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