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General Resources

Useful information

Needle disposal

If your child has T1 diabetes you will need a sharps box, to correctly dispose of needles. So please arrange to have one delivered by your local council.


Phone: 01582 546812; e-mail:

Dunstable / Leighton Buzzard 

Phone: 0300 3008000; e-mail:

Dunstable collection day – Friday; Leighton Buzzard- Thursday

Useful resources

Financial help

If your child has Type 1 diabetes you are entitled to claim for disability living allowance. You can download a pack from the internet, by searching ‘disability living allowance‘. The form is quite comprehensive, so if you need help to complete this, we can help.

Prescription items

You will need a supply of prescription items on a regular basis. The GP will usually require 48hrs to provide a prescription.

Please ensure your GP is aware of any changes to your prescription requirements, so that they can alter the items on your list.


As well as the regular childhood vaccines, your child will be advised to have the flu jab each autumn.

Children may have vaccinations required for travel purposes, they should not affect the diabetes.

You can learn more about mental wellbeing with the Paediatric Psychology team.