
The endocrine service sees patients with thyroid disorders, calcium disorders, pituitary disorders, PCOS, adrenal disorders, hirsutism, and other endocrine conditions. The clinic performs endocrine investigations and arranges other endocrine investigations and treatment. We liaise closely with the Endocrine and Neurosurgical teams at Addenbrookes’ hospital in Cambridge for patients who may need joint care.

Clinics are held in the Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic is based on Level 2, Cauldwell Centre, Bedford Hospital, South wing.


We hold the following Clinics. All new patient clinics are in person and most follow-up clinics are telephone of video but can be in person if requested:

  • Thyroid New patient clinics
  • General Endocrine New and Follow-up clinics
  • Telephone results clinics
  • Endocrine Nurse Clinics

Patients requiring Endocrine investigations are booked in the Day Treatment Unit for the following tests:

  • Short Synacthen Tests
  • Prolonged Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests
  • Day Fasts
  • Hydrocortisone Day Curves

Referral information

All referrals are screened and prioritised by the consultant team, to direct patients to the most appropriate clinic. Where necessary, endocrine investigations are often arranged prior to a clinic appointment; in addition, written clinical advice may be offered to GPs to initiate treatment prior to a patient being seen in clinic.

Useful links