Pregnancy and Diabetes/Endocrine clinics

At Bedford Hospital we support women with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes from the beginning to the end of their pregnancy journey as well as some patients with Endocrine conditions.

We offer Pre-Conceptual appointments for patients with Type 1 diabetes to help plan for a pregnancy, this involves dietetic input as well as accessing the latest technology if appropriate to help improve blood glucose control to enable a safe conception of someone with diabetes. This service then continues through to pregnancy.

Women with existing Diabetes who become pregnant can access Diabetes Nurse support and Dietetic support throughout their pregnancy. We see all women in a joint antenatal clinic where they will be seen by an Endocrinologist and Obstetrician frequently in order to support them.

We aim to offer if appropriate the latest technology to all women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and they will be supported during this time.

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes it is really important to plan the pregnancy with your local diabetes team who may be based in the hospital or with your General Practitioner.