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Medicine for the Elderly

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital

Medicine for the Elderly (Geriatrics) provides a high quality clinical and preventative care to improve the health of adults with multiple conditions and complex needs. We also advocate with specialist guidance on psychological and social needs of this group.

About our Service

Our Department of Medicine for the Elderly (DME) prides itself in offering comprehensive care for adults, through close interdisciplinary work with nurses, therapists, pharmacists, dieticians, social workers and other health professionals. Our care is truly patient and family centred with patient safety at the heart of everything we do.

The department has various specialist clinics for older people – Parkinson’s Disease, Orthogeriatrics and Bone Health, Frailty Service, Falls and Syncope, Endoscopy and Clinical Ethics.

Accessing the Service

Our Medicine for the Elderly service is available on Choose & Book. Your GP may refer you to the directorate for admission via our GP liaison team.


  • In-patient – Acute Medicine and In-patient Rehabilitation for adult patients with multiple conditions, with complex medical and care needs (78 years or older with acute medical problems, or 65 years and older if living in a residential or nursing home, already attending outpatient clinic)
  • Specialist In-patient Care – Fraility Service and Orthogeriatric Rehabilitation
  • Out-patient Clinics – General Geriatrics. Falls and Syncope, Parkinson’s Disease and movement disorders
  • Rapid Access Frailty Assessment & Management Clinic at ambulatory care
  • Endoscopy
  • Navigator Team, Hospital at Home – to facilitate early discharge from hospital and avoid unnecessary hospital admission

Contact Us:

Via switchboard on 01582 491166