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Orthopaedics and Trauma

Bedford Hospital

Trauma and Orthopaedic Clinics

All trauma and orthopaedic clinics take place in the trauma and orthopaedic outpatients department which is located near the Accident and Emergency department.

Pre-Operative Assessment Clinics

Lynne Newton, our nurse practitioner, runs a pre-assessment clinic for in-patient admissions to ensure that patients on the waiting list are fit for surgery when they near admission and to do the routine pre-operative tests.

Trauma and Orthopaedic Theatres

There are two orthopaedic operating theatres within the department, which operate from Monday through to Friday with elective surgery. We also have afternoon sessions allocated to Trauma lists, in which emergency orthopaedic surgery can be undertaken.

The department undertakes a range of procedures including, arthroscopys and manipulations of fractures, nailing and dynamic hip screws, joint replacements, revision surgery and resurfacing of joints.

Contact Us

To contact the trauma and orthopaedic department, please telephone 01234 355 122 and dial ext. 5209 or 5210.


Mr Dan Arvinte Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mr Joby George-Malal Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mr Yadu Shankarappa Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon
Mr Manoj Sood Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Luton and Dunstable University Hospital

The L&D’s Orthopaedic Centre is based at 641 Dunstable Road, Luton, LU4 8RQ.

The Centre is:

  • Open 8am -4:30pm Monday to Friday
  • Closed weekends
  • Closed bank holidays

If you need to contact the Orthopaedic Centre, please call the reception desk on 01582 718786.

The restoration and development of the skeletal system, joints and muscles and is one of the key specialty areas at the Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.

We provide a comprehensive range of musculoskeletal healthcare, from orthopaedic medicine to complex surgery, delivered by some of the UK’s top orthopaedic specialist consultants.

Our consultant-led service is renowned for its innovative approach and pioneering surgery. Each year we perform over 5,000 orthopaedic surgical procedures for patients from Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and beyond.

As well as using keyhole surgery we deploy the latest computer-navigation techniques to ensure minimum trauma and maximum safety for our patients.

The Orthopaedics team also forms a key role in delivering the Community Musculoskeletal Service.

We are highly competitive on length of patient stay in hospital. Following GP referral, your treatment will be fully co-ordinated from initial consultation, through diagnosis, treatment, recovery and therapy.

The services of some of our consultants are also available privately through the Hospital’s Cobham Clinic.


Mr Ghulam Abbas Spinal Surgery Consultant
Mr Dimpu Bhagawati Orthopaedic and Spinal Consultant
Mr Simon Burtt Orthopaedics Consultant
Miss Verity Currall Orthopaedics Consultant
Miss Aurora Gonzalez-Castro Orthopaedics Consultant
Mr Jim Gray Orthopaedics Consultant
Mr Yegappan Kalairajah Orthopaedics Consultant
Mr Sanjiv Manjure Clinical Director
Mr Ravi Pandit Orthopaedics Consultant
Mr Tarique Parwez Orthopaedics Consultant
Mr Elrasheid Saed Associate Specialist
Mr Pulimamidi Sanjay Associate Specialist
Mr Sabapathy Sundararajan Orthopaedics Consultant
Mr Shobhit Verma Orthopaedics Consultant
Service list A to Z