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Clinical research performance

Bedford Hospital supports the government and the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) aim to see a dramatic and sustained improvement in the performance of NHS providers in initiating and delivering clinical research. The aim is to maximise the opportunities for patients to participate in research and to increase the attractiveness of the UK as a host for research. Further information can be found here.

The NIHR has established two performance metrics against which the Trust, along with all other NHS providers, is measured. Bedford Hospital is contractually obliged to report on our performance on these metrics.

Performance in initiating clinical research

This metric looks at how quickly trials are set up and recruited to and gathers reasons for any delays.

Performance in delivering clinical research

Recruitment for commercial clinical trials to time and target. This metric looks at whether we have recruited the target number of patients within the timeframe we said we would achieve. The overall aim is to increase the number of patients who have the opportunity to participate in research and to enhance the nation’s attractiveness as a host for clinical research.

We are currently required to submit data for the past 12-months for two benchmarks to the NIHR on a quarterly basis. The latest update on both of these metrics is available to view here.

Previous updates on both of these metrics is provided below: