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The stroke service is the medical specialty dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of stroke. A stroke is an attack on the brain where the blood supply to the brain is disrupted due to bleeding or a blood clot.

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital

The L&D stroke team provides Hyperacute (clot buster), Acute and Rehabilitation services. The Stroke team include Specialist Stroke Consultants, Dr Sekaran, Dr Phiri, Dr Sethuraman, Dr Alwis and Dr Asokanathan.

The unit provides specialist stroke services to patients across Luton, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes. The unit manages patients admitted as emergencies through the Emergency Department and accepts transfers from other hospitals. This is an accredited specialist stroke unit for the region serving a catchment population of 750,000.

The L&D is the regional designated hospital for Thrombolysis, where a drug is used to dissolve blood clots in the brain, reducing the damage to the surrounding brain. This is emergency treatment which has to be given within four and half hours of the stroke occurring and it may not be appropriate in every case.

There is close integration with the neurosurgical team at Queen’s Square Hospital, London / Addenbrookes, Cambridge for those patients who require neurosurgical intervention. We also work closely with the Vascular Unit at Bedford Hospital and patients who are found to require surgery to their neck blood vessels are referred immediately to the vascular surgeons.

We run a 7 day a week TIA (Mini-stroke) clinic in the mornings in the outpatient department. Patients referred can be seen within 24 hours or within 7 days of referral depending on severity of symptoms experienced and other predisposing health issues.

Stroke Association

We provide high quality, up-to-date stroke information for stroke patients, their families and carers.

Registered office:
Stroke Association
Stroke Association House, 240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR
020 7566 0300

Useful Links

NHS Choices – Information on Strokes
NHS Choice Channel
The Stroke Association Channel


Dr Asaipillai Asokanathan Consultant Physician
Dr Duke Phiri Consultant Physician
Dr Lakshmanan Sekaran Consultant Physician
Dr Sakthivel Sethuraman Consultant Physician
Service list A to Z