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Giving birth- labour

Know the signs  You’re likely to recognise the signs of labour when the time comes, but if you’re in any doubt, don’t hesitate to contact your midwife. The main…

Labour and Birth

…early labour, the plug comes away and you may pass this out of your vagina. This small amount of sticky, jelly-like pink mucus is called a show. It may come…

Help & Support After Pregnancy

…midwives provide a listening service that offers new parents the chance to talk about and reflect upon their birth experience. The service is open to both mum and dad and

H4 - Dorsal Dislocation of the PIPJ

…6-12 weeks to heal fully. Smoking will slow down your healing. We would advise that you stop smoking while your injury heals. Talk to your GP or go to…

How We Help

There are many reasons why children and their families may see a paediatric psychologist. This can include: Adjusting to a new diagnosis or coping with upsetting news Managing strong emotions…

K10 - Proximal Fibula Fracture

…driving when: You are no longer using your brace You can walk comfortably You can perform an emergency stop pain free Always test your ability to drive in a safe…

A6 - Weber A Fracture

…driving when: You are no longer using your boot You can walk comfortably and You can perform an emergency stop pain free Always test your ability to drive in a…

K11 - Proximal Fibula Fracture with Follow-up

…injury, at the latest. Practice walking without your boot and crutches around your home first. Build up to longer walks outside. Remove your boot to wash, dress and do your…


Effective attachment will help a baby get the milk they need, stay latched and make breastfeeding more comfortable. Watch the video below to learn why effective attachment is so important…