Tests Available
- Antenatal Grouping
- Antibody Identification
- Blood Grouping and Antibody Screen / Identification >5 yrs
- Baby Blood Group – Blood Grouping (neonate between 0 – 4 months)
- Blood Group & Ab screen – Blood Group and antibody screen (neonate 4 months – 5 yrs)
- Cord Blood Group – Blood group for CORD sample
- Blood for Crossmatch (XM) – Crossmatch
- Direct Coombs Test – Direct Antiglobulin Test
- Kleihauer – Kleihauer (Foetal Maternal Haemorrhage)
- Rh Phenotype (Extended) – Rh Phenotyping
- Other phenotyping
- ABO/Rh grouping problems
- Alloantibody investigation
- Antenatal RBC antibody monitoring – Anti-D / -c quantification
- Kleihauer (Flow Cytometry)
- Auto-Immune Haemolytic anaemia + positive DAT
- Compatibility testing
- Extended Red Cell Phenotyping
- Foetal genotyping
- Haemolytic disease of the newborn
- Transfusion Reaction Investigation – Haemolytic Transfusion reaction
- IgA deficiency / antibodies
- Paternal RBC phenotyping
- Routine Antenatal screening – AN Blood Group & Ab screen
- All other RCI investigations
- Platelet Refractoriness (initial Investigation)
- Platelet Refractoriness (follow up)
- HLA type
- HLA specific antibody screen
- Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
- Transfusion Associated Graft Versus Host Disease (TA-GVHD)
- Post Transfusion Purpura (PTP)
- Neonatal Alloimmune Neutropenia (NAIN)
- Autoimmune neutropenia
- Drug related neutropenia
- Foetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT) for initial screen
- Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
- Other drug related thrombocytopenia
- Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
- Platelet glycoprotein estimation for thrombasthenia investigation
- Haematopoietic Stem Cell transplantation
- Donors HLA type
- HLA specific antibodies
- Solid Organ Transplantation
- HLA Type of patient, donor or family members
- HLA typing for disease association and drug hypersensitivity
- HLA B *57:01
- Narcolepsy
- Coeliac – HLA typing