PIF Categories: Endoscopy (Discharge leaflets)

Gastroscopy and Banding of Varices Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had sedation today, it is essential that a responsible adult accompanies you home and stays with you for the next 24 hours. You should not drive a car, […]

Gastroscopy APC Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have undergone a Gastroscopy today with Argon Plasma Coagulation used primarily to control/prevent bleeding. You have had sedation today: it is essential that a responsible adult accompanies you home […]

Flexi Sigmoidoscopy Without Sedation Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had this procedure today without sedation. If you have inhaled Entonox during the procedure, you must not drive for 30 minutes after the last inhalation. Unless otherwise instructed […]

Flexi Sigmoidoscopy With Sedation Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had sedation today; it is essential that someone accompanies you home and stays with you for the next 24 hours. You should not drive a car, operate machinery, […]

ERCP Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had your bile ducts and/or pancreatic ducts examined using an endoscopic technique and x-rays. The nurse or doctor will have explained to you exactly what has been examined […]

EMR Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had a Colonoscopy/Flexible Sigmoidoscopy  An EMR is a technique to remove a larger than average flat polyp found on the inside of your large bowel. Some polyps are […]

EBUS Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had sedation today it is essential that someone accompanies you home and stays with you for the next 24 hours. You should not drive a car, operate machinery, […]

Colonoscopy Without Sedation Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had this procedure today without sedation. If you have inhaled Entonox during the procedure, you must not drive for 30 minutes after the last inhalation. Unless otherwise instructed […]

Colonoscopy APC Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have undergone a Colonoscopy today with Argon Plasma Coagulation used primarily to control/prevent bleeding. You have had sedation today: it is essential that a responsible adult accompanies you home […]

Colonoscopy With Sedation Advice on Discharge

Date: 05/12/2024 | Category:

You have had sedation today. It is essential that someone accompanies you home and stays with you for the next 24 hours. You should not drive a car, operate machinery, […]