8 Steps to Staying Healthy in Hospital


Tell us if you have a Learning Disability.

If you have any allergies tell us, and we will give you a red wristband.

Show us your hospital passport.

Keep Moving

Staying active in hospital can help your recovery and keep your skin healthy.

If you need help to get up and get dressed, let us know.

Bring your clothes with you so you can move around.

Keeping Your Skin Healthy

We will check your skin.

Let us know if you have any pain, swelling or redness.

Change your position in bed.

Eating and Drinking

If you need help at mealtimes let us know.

Eating and drinking well can reduce your risk of infection.

If you need a special diet, let us know.


The liaison team are here to help you.

Ask us if you have any worries or concerns about your care or treatment.

You can also speak to carers in Bedfordshire.


Please tell us if you have any allergies.

Ask us if you do not understand what your medicines are for.

Talk to us about any concerns or side effects you may have.


Please wash your hands before and after visiting the toilet.

Ask staff to wash their hands before they help you.

If you need to be sat in a bed or chair in a certain way let us know.

Discharge Home

Before you leave, make sure you:

  • Have your discharge letter
  • Have your medicines and that they have been explained to you
  • Know who to contact if you have any questions or concerns
  • Know about your next appointment


Bedford Hospital
Luton & Dunstable University Hospital