Norovirus (Winter Vomiting) Patient Information

This leaflet provides information on Norovirus (winter vomiting), including what the symptoms of the virus are, what to do if you get it and what you can do to help stop it spreading.

What are Noroviruses?

Noroviruses are a group of viruses that are the most common cause of gastroenteritis (stomach bugs) in England and Wales.

In the past, Noroviruses have also been called ‘winter vomiting viruses’, ‘small round structured viruses’ or ‘Norwalk-like viruses’.

How does it spread?

The virus is easily transmitted from one person to another. It can be transmitted by contact with an infected person; by consuming contaminated food or water or by contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of norovirus infection will begin around 12 to 48 hours after becoming infected. The illness is self-limiting and the symptoms will last for 12 to 60 hours. It often starts with the sudden onset of nausea followed by projectile vomiting and watery diarrhoea.

Some people may also have a raised temperature, headaches and aching limbs. Most people make a full recovery within one to two days, however some people (usually the very young or elderly) may become very dehydrated and require hospital treatment.

Why does Norovirus often cause outbreaks?

Norovirus often causes outbreaks because it is easily spread from one person to another and the virus is able to survive in the environment for many days.

Because there are many different strains of Norovirus and immunity is short-lived, out breaks affect more than 50% of susceptible people.

Outbreaks usually tend to affect people who are in semi-closed environments such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools and on cruise ships.

How can these outbreaks be stopped?

Outbreaks can be difficult to control and long-lasting because Norovirus is easily transmitted from one person to another.

The most effective way to respond to an outbreak is to restrict the amount of people in the area, and disinfect contaminated areas. It is also very important to institute good hygiene measures including hand washing, provide advice on food handling and also isolate those infected for up to 48 hours after their symptoms have ceased.

How is Norovirus treated?

There is no specific treatment for Norovirus apart from letting the illness run its course. It is important to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

If I’m suffering from Norovirus, how can I prevent others from becoming infected?

The best way of preventing spread of infection is to quarantine yourself until you have been symptom free for at least 48 hours. Do not visit the hospital as a visitor. If you are a patient, you must tell staff that you have, or have recently had Norovirus.

Good Hygiene is important in preventing others from becoming infected – this includes thorough handwashing with soap and water before and after contact. A bleach based cleaner is recommended for the lavatory and hard surfaces.

Food preparation should also be avoided until 3 days after symptoms have gone altogether.

Who is at risk of getting Norovirus?

Norovirus affects people of all ages. Anywhere that large numbers of people congregate for periods of several days provide an ideal environment for the spread of the disease.

Staff, patients and visitors can all be affected by Norovirus and this can be very disruptive for the running of the hospital, as well as very uncomfortable for whoever is suffering from it.

How common is Norovirus and are there any long-term effects?

It is estimated that Norovirus affects between 600,000 and a million people in the UK each year. There are no long-term effects from Norovirus.

What can be done to prevent infection?

It is impossible to prevent infection, however, taking good hygiene measures (such as frequent handwashing) around someone who is infected may help to limit spread.

Certain measures can be taken in the event of an outbreak, including the implementation of basic hygiene and food handling measures and prompt disinfection of contaminated areas, and the isolation of those infected for 48 hours after their symptoms have ceased.

How can I help myself to get better if I get Norovirus?

If you get norovirus or sickness and diarrhoea, drink plenty of fluids and to keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration is the main complication of sickness bugs and taking regular sips of water will help stop dehydration. You should also rest and if you feel hungry, eat plain foods like dry toast or crackers. Do not return to work or school until you are completely well.

By staying at home you also restrict the spread of the virus, meaning other people are less likely to catch it! Always follow good hand hygiene practices by washing your hands with soap and water.

Norovirus is usually a short-lived illness that will make you sick and feel poorly for up to three days. Most otherwise healthy people recover completely after this time, but occasionally vulnerable people – usually the very elderly – can suffer complications, the most frequent of which is dehydration.

If your symptoms haven’t improved after three days of sickness, or if you experience sudden worsening of symptoms or pain, or suspect you, or someone you’re caring for is severely dehydrated, contact NHS Direct on 111 for advice in the first instance.

In a medical emergency always dial 999.

Should I come to hospital if I have Norovirus?

If you have Norovirus, any tummy bug or coughs and colds, please do not visit friends or relatives who are patients at the hospital. You may well infect them or others and could cause an outbreak in the hospital. Wait until you have been symptom free (e.g. no sickness or diarrhoea) for 48 hours before coming in to visit.

When you do visit remember to wash your hands with soap and water before entering and when leaving the ward.

Hand hygiene

The role of hand hygiene can help us prevent the spread of infection.

How to wash your hands effectively with soap and water:

  • Wet hands thoroughly before applying soap.
  • Vigorously rub all surfaces of both hands with soap lather.
  • Pay special attention to the finger tips, thumbs and between fingers (these areas are frequently missed when washing hands).
  • Rinse off all the soap under running water and dry hands thoroughly.
  • Always cover cuts with waterproof plasters.
  • When you can, apply hand cream as this helps to prevent dryness and chapping.

Diagram showing how to effectively wash your hands

Where can I get more information?

If you would like further information please speak to a member of your care staff, who may also contact the Infection Prevention and Control Team for you.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) website is another source of information:

Infection Prevention and Control contact details

You can contact the team Monday – Friday between 9am – 5pm on the following numbers:


01234 795848


01582 497321