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Please be aware, the information on this page relates to Bedford Hospital

Complaints – Bedford Hospital

We welcome suggestions, comments and constructive criticism from our patients, their families and visitors so we can improve the quality of our patients care.

If you have had an issue and have been unable to resolve it on the ward or with our PALS (Patient Advice Liaison Service) team, and you would like to make a formal complaint, please email complaints, or call 01234 792680. You will need to provide full patient details, including patient’s name, date of birth or hospital number.  If you are not the patient but are making a complaint on behalf of someone else, please also provide your own postal address and a contact number if possible.

Alternatively you can send a letter to the Complaints team, Bedford Hospital, South Wing, Kempston Road, Bedford, MK42 9DJ

All issues are taken seriously and are used to help us improve the quality of services we provide. Any complaint that you make will not be held against you personally or affect any ongoing or future care and treatment for you and your family.

If you would like to send a compliment to a team or member of staff, please email Bedford compliments.


If you would like support at any stage during the complaints process, you may contact the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) for which the contact details are POhWER ICAS, PO Box 14043, Birmingham, B6 9BL; Helpline on 0300 456 2370 or email.